LEGO beebot
<designed in Dec 2017>
Goal: make a beebot using LEGO parts.
A beebot is an educational programmable robot used on schools to learn kids programming in a fun way.
We decided to build a robot with an arduino, Lego motors, expandable with sensors.
In the the first version we used an old HP button and LED part from an old printer. The robot was made from normal LEGO, which made the robot a bit big.
The front wheel was a swiveling wheel. This also turned out to be a bad choise.
The distances it travels and the angle it rotates is determined as constant in the software.
LEDs in HP circuit indicated when button was hit.
In the improved version we printed an interface for an Arduino MEGA to technic LEGO.
LINK to Thingiverse
And the front wheel was replaced by a free rotating marble.
Below a foto from the basic Arduino Mega in its packaging with the 9V battery supply.
Foto of bedrading motoren (downloaden from web)
Foto of knikker houder
Link to Thingiverse
The angle the beebot can make can be calibrated by a potenio-meter. Also the distance it travels in one line is calibrated with a potentio-meter.
Addition of sound to hear that a button was hit.
Add circuit (incl. motor drivers, potentio meters, piezo, cap-sensor, extra resistors)
We changed the buttons to a capacitive touchpad that fits on the arduino.
Add arrows to potentio meters, motor driver, cap-board, Piezo sound module.
The calibration of the angle it rotates is determined by a large amount of the surface the robot is moving.
The improvement made is by adding a angle sensor that determines the exact angle it rotated.
<still under work>
Sensor to measure distance
Sensor that measures color.
IR sensor to follow line