Slot race-cars

Starting point is my old slot-car race track from Carrera, type "Universal". Scale 1:32.



 Goal: count the time a car needs to make one complete round.

Game is to have the lowest time.

<see also hotwheels counter>


Improved controllers

Goal: improve control of slot-cars

Problems with current controllers are:


Status quo

To make an improved controller we need to know what the transformer can deliver and what each slot-car requires.



Different transformers in use. Only one which has four well defined positons so that one is measured.

Transformer position Without cars [V] 1 car moving [V] 2 cars moving [V]
1 20 12 12
2 24 16 14
3 28 19 17
4 32 22 20


Resistor: <100 Ohm



The unverisal track has per slot 3 conductors; one deeper in the track ("slot") and one on each site of the slot.

Measuring the resistance of one complete race-track of multiple boards resulted in 400...600 Ohm.

Track parts were stored in the garage, so there was some rust.








Current drawn when max speed (at trafo position 2) [A]

DC resistance [Ohm]
Blue (new) 0.35 45
Blue (old) 0.33 630
Orange (new) 0.33 15
Orange (old) 0.35 23
Grey - Porsch 0.40 680


Measured the blue-new car also at different transformer positions


Transformer position

DC resistance [Ohm]
Blue (new) 1 0.31
Blue (new) 2 0.35
Blue (new) 3 0.35
Blue (new) 4 0.40

Note: the current is measured at the straight track part where the max speed could be obtained. There is no guarantee that the numbers above are measured at the same speed. Looking at the inaccuracy of the "equal speed" it can be stated that based on these 4 measurements the current through the motor of the car does not depend on the voltage on the transformer.



Multiple seperate car control

Goal: have an individual car control of >2 cars on the track.

Remaining problem: there is no solution yet how cars can pass each other.


Simplest solution

Because each slot car-track has 3 metal wires it is possible by using its own dedicated wires to run 2 cars on one slot.

For example by making slot-wire the ground you can control one car with the left trace and one with the right trace.

And because each race track has 2 slots, this will make it possible to run 4 cars independently on the track.

Note: in some tracks the conducators are connected via a wire below the trace, these wires have to be cut.



Give each car its own digital receiver and send only digital signals over the track.


Track change

Methods to change from track (using existing track parts: 50530, of 50535


  1. Keep it manual
  2. Make it controlleble remote
  3. Make it random (it switches when ever it wants)


3D printed parts