Caspar Booy

Jan Booij (m)
Born:Hoogeveen; the Netherlands, ????
† Died:????, ????

Geertje Kombrink (f)
Born:Spaarndam; the Netherlands, ????
† Died:????, ????

Harm Booij (m)
Born:Zwartsluis; the Netherlands, ??-??-1920

Caspar Booy (m)
Born:Zwartsluis; the Netherlands, 10-Sep-1921

Corrie Oosterhuis (f)
Born:????, 7-May-1923

Oeky Booij (f)
Born:Zwartsluis; the Netherlands, 7-Apr-1923

Henk Booij (m)
Born:Medan; Indonesia, ??-??-1925

Jan Booij (m)
Born:Tarutung; Indonesia, ??-??-1927

Bert Booij (m)
Born:Tarutung; Indonesia, 25-Oct-1933

Truus Booij (f)
Born:Tarutung; Indonesia, ??-??-1935

John Booij (m)
Born:Delft; the Netherlands, 13-Jul-1946

Irene Booy (f)
Born:Delft; the Netherlands, 14-Dec-1947

Joanne Booy (f)
Born:Delft; the Netherlands, 18-Feb-1950

Harold Booy (m)
Born:Winnipeg; Canada, 7-Jun-1953

Robert Booy (m)
Born:Winnipeg; Canada, 24-Mar-1956

Michael Booy (m)
Born:Winnipeg; Canada, 15-Mar-1960

Colleen Booy (f)
Born:????, 6-Oct-1969
† Died:????, ????